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A member registered Apr 16, 2020

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Ever since I installed, my battery drains like crazy during sleep. Ive wokento a drained device once and  up to almost no battery after only 2 days of sleep. This makes it as bad as my other option which is to shut the device off, but then I have to wait to turn it on, then turn on WiFi and activate qgo adb. But the second otpion will ensure I have battery to play.

Am I doing something wrong?

I watched the latest video called qgo 7 all u need to know

Maybe I didnt phrase my question clearly but ur video didnt provide what I was seeking. I know I need WiFi on to connect at least once, but I want to keep WiFi off as much as possible. Do I need WiFi on when I restart my device? Do I need WiFi on each time I change a game?

When can I turn off WiFi and when would I need to reenable it?